Important Deadlines

The following deadlines and due dates represent dates when schools and colleges must submit requests or reports to the Office of Academic Affairs. Deadlines and due dates within schools and colleges will precede these dates. Please refer to school or college procedures for internal deadlines.

July 19, 2024Accepted Offers by faculty candidates intending to start August 19, 2024.
November 17, 2023Accepted Offers by faculty candidates intending to start January 1, 2024.
January 19, 2024Emeritus/a Nominations for faculty retiring at end of Spring 2024 semester or who are planning to retire on or before January 1, 2025.
March 15, 2024Expedited Tenure and/or Promotion Dossiers: Complete dossiers must be accompanied by biographies. If approved by the Provost, these faculty will be presented for concurrence by the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees at the May meeting. Applies to both current faculty and those with start dates of August 2024 or later.
September 22, 2023Expedited Tenure and/or Promotion Dossiers: Complete dossiers must be accompanied by biographies. If approved by the Provost, these faculty will be presented for concurrence by the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees at the November meeting.
November 17, 2023Leave of Absence Requests for Fall 2024 or AY 2024-2025.
March 15, 2024Leave of absence requests for Spring 2025.
February 16, 2024Procedures for Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Review: Submit revised versions of all procedures related to faculty review (or confirm that no changes occurred since last submission). Include dates the document(s) were approved by the University Senate Appointment and Promotions committee, if applicable.
February 16, 2024Promotion and Tenure Recommendations, with dossiers and biographies: For faculty completing regular tenure review and being presented to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees in May 2024.
November 17, 2023Promotion/Tenure/Reappointment: List of faculty being considered for promotion, tenure, or reappointment in academic year 2023-24. For reappointment, include third-year (e.g., mid-point, substantive, or pre-tenure) reappointments and those for teaching professors, research professors, professors of practice, and faculty fellows.
March 29, 2024Reappointment requests for teaching professors, research professors, professors of practice, and faculty fellows whose appointments will expire at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year and who are subject to a two-semester notice provision specified in the Faculty Manual, Section 2.39.
March 29, 2024Reports and recommendations for tenure-track faculty who completed a third year (e.g., substantive, pre-tenure, or mid-point) review in the 2023-2024 academic year and who are subject to 12-month notice provisions specified in the Faculty Manual, Section 2.39.
June 7, 2024Reports and recommendations for tenure-track faculty whose contract will not expire at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year.
April 26, 2024Requests for permission to conduct a search to fill a position with the start date no earlier than July 1, 2025.
September 22, 2023Retiring (Retired): Complete list of full-time faculty who have retired since Commencement 2023 or who are planning to retire on or before January 1, 2024. Note those faculty under review for emeritus status.
January 19, 2024Retiring (Retired): Complete list of full-time faculty who have retired since January 1, 2024, or who are planning to retire by January 1, 2025. Note those faculty under review for emeritus status.