Faculty Manual

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Syracuse University and Its Governance
1.1   Mission and Vision
1.2   History
1.3   Schools and Colleges
1.4   Chancellor and Chancellor’s Executive Team
1.5   Board of Trustees
1.6   University Senate
1.7   The Faculty

2.    Appointments, Promotions and Tenure
2.1      Faculty and Academic Staff
2.11   Searches and Appointments
2.12   Academic Year Appointment
2.13   Employment of International Faculty Members
2.14   Termination of Appointment by the Faculty Member
2.2      Promotions
2.21   Bases for Recommendations: Considerations
2.23   Timing of Promotions for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty
2.24   Evaluation Categories
2.25   Principles and General Guidelines for Promotion Decisions 
2.26   College/School Procedures
2.28   Non-Tenure-Track Faculty
2.29   Emeritus Status
2.3      Tenure
2.31   An Expression of University Values
2.32   Processes and Limitations
2.33   Considerations for Tenure
2.34   Areas of Expected Faculty Achievement: Teaching, Research, and Service
2.35   Setting Expectations and Assessing Progress Towards Tenure
2.36   Principles and General Guidelines for Tenure Decisions
2.37   Tenure Clock Flexibility
2.38   Notice of Tenure Decision
2.39   Nonrenewal of Appointments
2.40   Annual Report on Non-Tenured Faculty Members
2.41   No Other Means of Acquiring Tenure
2.42   Limitations of Tenure

2.5    Compensation
2.51   Salary
2.52   Supplementary Compensation During the Academic Year
2.53   Supplementary Compensation During the Summer
2.54   Benefits
2.55   Research and Administrative Leaves of Absence
2.6      Retirement
2.61   Voluntary Phased Retirement
2.62   Appointment After Retirement

3.   Faculty Roles and Responsibilities
3.1      Teaching
3.11   Instruction
3.12   Advising and Mentoring
3.13   Faculty-Student Relations
3.2      Scholarly and Creative Activities
3.21   University Support
3.22   Human Subjects: The Institutional Review Board
3.23   Ownership and Management of Intellectual Property
3.3      Service to the Department, School/College, University, and Profession
3.4      Outside Activities—Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
3.41   Conflicts of Commitment
3.42   Consulting During the Academic Year
3.43   Consulting During the Summer
3.44   Conflicts of Interest for Principal Investigators
3.45   Classified or Proprietary Research
3.46   Relationships with United States Intelligence Agencies

3.5    Faculty Rights
3.51   Academic Freedom
3.52   Political Activities of Faculty Members
3.53   Faculty Indemnification Policy

4.   Misconduct, Disciplinary Action and Grievances
4.1     Inappropriate Conduct by Faculty Members 
4.11 Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Inappropriate Conduct
4.2     Sexual Activity, Non-consensual
4.3     Maintenance of Public Order
4.4     Misconduct in Research, Scholarship, or Creative Activity
4.5     Termination of Tenure or Dismissal Before Expiration of Contract
4.51   Dismissal for Cause
4.52   Non-reappointment of Non-tenured Faculty Members
4.53   Termination of Administrative Personnel
4.6      AFTPE Hearing Panel Procedures
4.61   Membership of Hearing Panels

5. Miscellaneous and Appendixes (PDF)
AAUP statement of principles on academic freedom and tenure (1940, 1989, 1990), and AAU statement on recruitment and resignation of faculty members.

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