2.37 Tenure Clock Flexibility

The term “credited year” means a year of service at Syracuse University identified in the faculty member’s appointment letter as a full-time tenure-track appointment. Under certain circumstances, the tenure clock can be stopped when the request is made by the faculty member through the department and/or school/college and approved by the Vice Chancellor, Provost, and Chief Academic Officer. Events for which the clock may normally be stopped, after the submission of documentation, include life events that would, in most circumstances, have generated a request for parental, maternity, family medical, military or disability leave, disrupting one or more semesters of work during the probationary period. Other situations that may warrant consideration of stopping the tenure clock include fulfillment of extraordinary institutional service, such as teaching in SU Abroad or serving in an administrative position during the probationary period, where these circumstances interrupt or substantially slow progress toward tenure. The year(s) approved by the Provost through this process will not count as credited years toward tenure when reported to the school/college promotion and tenure committee.

Approved by the University Senate, April 2008; Updated April 17, 2024