2.31 An Expression of University Values

The granting of tenure to faculty members at Syracuse University supports several values at the core of our academic enterprise. First, the values of faculty excellence should be demonstrable in the activities and strengths of the tenured faculty. Second, tenure is an integral part of sustaining the University’s commitment to the concepts underlying academic freedom. Third, tenured status establishes the mutual expectations of the continued pursuit of excellence on the part of both the faculty member and the institution.

The importance of tenure for the academic quality of the University means that the granting of the status is neither automatic nor a function of years of service. The earned privileges of tenure simultaneously convey a vested interest in the University, the expectation of continuous service as a faculty member, and the obligation to render continuing service to the University in pursuit of knowledge and impact. The presentation by the Vice Chancellor and Provost to the Board of Trustees of recommendations for tenure should be a culmination of a multi-level review process that embodies these core academic values.