Professional Resources

Faculty Affairs provides professional resources to support all the domains through which faculty develop throughout their careers.  The balance among the areas may change as faculty reach different stages, or experience changing life circumstances. Research by Jung Yun and Mary Deane Sorcinelli (Sorcinelli and Yun, 2007Yun and Sorcinelli, 2009) emphasized five key areas. These areas were modified, expanded and enhanced through needs assessment and program evaluation under the Syracuse University ADVANCE program and included in the SU-ADVANCE Mentoring Toolkit (2014). To emphasize the importance of how one approaches these developmental domains, two additional components* have been highlighted.

  • Navigating the university and community
  • Excelling at teaching, mentoring and advising
  • Excelling at research, scholarship and creative work
  • Maximizing advancement: tenure, promotion and other reviews
  • Acting within your discipline
  • Creating and maintaining work-life balance
  • Building and maintaining a developmental network
  • Centering equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion*
  • Engaging in ongoing leadership development*

Resources to support faculty development in each domain are listed in sections on the right. Stay tuned for additional resources as they are added.