First Year Seminar

First Year Seminar (FYS) 101 is a 15-week, 1-credit course that engages all first year and transfer students in guided conversations, experiential activities and written assignments about transitioning to Syracuse University campus life, exploring their identities as they situate themselves in a new context and understanding how they will relate to and interact with other students, faculty and staff in contributing to a welcoming, inclusive and diverse campus community.

Students will explore the areas of belonging, interdependence, health and wellness, development of identity, socialization, prejudice, discrimination, bias and stereotypes within their FYS 101 section, in University-sponsored experiential activities and in school/college level sponsored experiential activities. To facilitate meaningful small group discussions, each class hosts no more than 19 students from multiple schools and colleges. Each section will be led by a pair of facilitators selected from experienced staff, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students.