1.1 Mission and Vision

The current version of Syracuse University’s mission and vision statements can be found here.

Syracuse University’s Mission:

As a university with the capacity to attract and engage the best scholars from around the world, yet small enough to support a personalized and academically rigorous student experience, Syracuse University faculty and staff support student success by:

▪ Encouraging global study, experiential learning, interdisciplinary scholarship, creativity, and entrepreneurial endeavors
▪ Balancing professional studies with an intensive liberal arts education
▪ Fostering a richly diverse and inclusive community of learning and opportunity
▪ Promoting a culture of innovation and discovery
▪ Supporting faculty, staff, and student collaboration in creative activity and research that address emerging opportunities and societal needs
▪ Maintaining pride in our location and history as a place of access, engagement, innovation, and impact

Syracuse University Vision:

Syracuse University aspires to be a pre-eminent and inclusive student-focused research university, preparing engaged citizens, scholars, and leaders for participation in a changing global society.

In 1992, the Syracuse University Senate adopted a mission focused on promoting learning and a positive campus culture. Syracuse University continues to embrace those goals and is guided by the principles contained in the statement above. In building on that foundation, the University recognizes that its greatest strength is based on the interactive and collaborative nature of its many programs. Through active engagement with practitioners and communities around the world, Syracuse University faculty and students learn, discover, and create. We are dedicated to faculty excellence and scholarly distinction, attracting and supporting enterprising students, and a close interaction and engagement with the world—locally, nationally, and globally.

Updated April 17, 2024