2.26 College/School Procedures

Each college or school is responsible for maintaining in writing a clear and unambiguous set of promotions procedures approved by a faculty majority. These procedures also must be approved by the Senate Committee on Appointment and Promotions initially and after each substantial modification. In the event of disapproval, the Senate Committee on Appointment and Promotions decision may be appealed to the full University Senate.

School and College promotions committee membership will be determined in the following manner:

  • Members should be selected according to procedures approved by the faculties of the respective schools and colleges. It is recommended that about one-third of the membership of any committee be carried over to the next year for continuity.
  • Chairpersons of college and school promotion committees are elected by the committees themselves.

Individuals seeking promotion during the term in question will not be eligible for election to the committee.

Criteria for promotion to the various ranks should be prepared in writing and made a part of the promotions procedures in each school or college. Qualitative, if not quantitative, written statements should clearly express the requirements for promotion to the various ranks, including discussion of the various activities in which faculty members engage and their relative importance in each school or college. The normal minimum years in rank for promotion to the next higher rank are stated in Section 2.23.

The operation of school/college promotions committees includes the following:

  • Provision must be made for peer contribution to members of the committees; student and faculty members will consult with other students, faculty members, and administrative personnel.
  • Ample written notice of meetings must be given to committee members.

Each school/college promotions committee will maintain a record of the following activities, in case of future appeal:

  • The times and locations of all meetings.
  • The list of attendees at each meeting.
  • The duration of each meeting.
  • Significant actions taken at each meeting.
  • Copy of the letter to each candidate indicating approval or denial of application for promotion.
  • Solicitation of external reviews and other feedback.

    Updated April 17, 2024