2.1 Faculty and Academic Staff

2.1 Faculty and Academic Staff

Effective August 24, 2016, members of the Faculty will be appointed to tenure-track positions at the academic rank of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor or as non-tenure-track positions with titles of Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Assistant Teaching Professor, Professor of Practice, Instructor, Research Assistant Professor, Research Associate Professor, Research Professor, Faculty Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoctoral Scholar, Visiting Faculty, Part-time Instructor, Adjunct, and exempt staff members. They shall be appointed by the dean or director of an academic unit with the concurrence of the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor and Provost. Faculty’s primary duties are instruction and research, scholarship, and/or creative activity.

Effective August 24, 2016, faculty appointments will no longer be made with the titles of assistant professor of practice, associate professor of practice, or lecturer. All reappointments of faculty holding any of these titles will be appropriately reclassified at the time of the first reappointment following the effective date of this amendment. Additionally, appointments with the titles of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor will be made only for tenure-track or tenured faculty.

Tenure-track full-time faculty
Tenure-track full-time faculty members are those holding tenured or tenure-track appointments and the title of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor. The title of Instructor may be used for individuals expecting to complete their terminal degree and whose tenure-track appointment is pending.

Academic deans, with the approval of the Provost or their designee, are authorized to make initial appointments to the rank of assistant professor, contingent upon the completion of doctoral requirements (or any other terminal degree appropriate to the field of appointment). The appointee holds the rank of instructor in the interim.

Faculty may also be named to certain titles of honor including University Professor, Distinguished Professor, and Trustee Professor.

Non-tenure-track full-time faculty
Faculty may be appointed to full-time non-tenure-track positions of Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Assistant Teaching Professor, Professor of Practice, Research Professor, Research Associate Professor, Research Assistant Professor, Visiting Faculty, Faculty Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, or Postdoctoral Scholar. With the exception of research professors, such appointments are 1.00 FTE; however, time in such positions does not accrue to University time toward tenure. The following describes these non-tenure-track full-time positions:

Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Assistant Teaching Professor
The title of Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, or Assistant Teaching Professor is given to full-time, non-tenure-track faculty, and it implies appropriate qualifications and appropriate educational degrees. Teaching professors at all ranks are expected to teach in the classroom or laboratory; to meet with students during scheduled office hours; to prepare and grade assignments and examinations; to contribute to the design, syllabi, and organization of departmental course offerings; and to know applications and development of pedagogy in the field. Teaching professors of any rank are not expected to conduct research or engage with practitioners, but such duties may be included among their responsibilities and in their evaluation portfolios, in accordance with the policies of the school or college. They may carry administrative duties that include activities such as developing independent or team-taught courses, producing teaching methodologies and materials, and training other faculty in instructional methods and design. They are expected to participate in routine service to their departments, schools or colleges, and the University.

Teaching professors of all ranks are valued members of the University Faculty. They are expected to take an active role in the governance of their college or school faculty, though colleges, schools and departments may limit their scope of action. Teaching professors should participate fully in those decisions that are directly related to their roles within the college or school and within the department, where relevant. The dean or director, together with the faculty of the school or college, has the responsibility of identifying those issues that are related to teaching professors’ roles within the college or school, and the department chair has that responsibility within the department. Within the department or equivalent unit, teaching professors may participate fully in hiring decisions of other teaching professors.

Teaching professors of any rank may not vote or otherwise supervise the hiring, evaluation, and tenure and promotion of tenure-track faculty.

The Teaching Professor title of any rank will not be used to fill faculty positions that require a long record of accomplishment in a non-academic profession and that are more appropriately designated as a Professor of Practice position.

The title of Visiting Teaching Professor of any rank may be granted for a one-year term.

Persons appointed to a Teaching Professor title of any rank will not be granted tenure but may be eligible for professional development leave related to their contract duties. Leave request procedures for all ranks of Teaching Professors are set by the school or college and must be available for review by the faculty.

Professional materials related to employment at the University should identify teaching professors of any rank by full academic title as specified by the appointment letter. Full titles should be used on University websites, on University business cards, and in other fora for which their employment at the University in a faculty role is relevant (e.g., published letters, editorials, and articles and speeches).

Professor of Practice
Professors of Practice are distinguished professional practitioners whose presence on campus and in the classroom connects the University community to valuable expertise and professional publics.

The title of Professor of the Practice is available only for full-time, non-tenure-track faculty who are highly accomplished individuals with significant and substantial experience in a relevant field of professional practice and who can provide effective, practice-oriented instruction in areas that supplement the core pedagogical instruction provided by the tenured and tenure-track faculty and teaching professors. While professors of practice may, depending on specific requirements of the college or school, have additional research, service, administrative, or outreach obligations with practitioners, teaching is their primary responsibility. They are expected to participate in routine service to their departments, schools or colleges, and the University. The title may not be used for positions whose responsibilities largely replicate those of tenure-track faculty or teaching professors.

Professors of practice are expected to teach in the classroom or laboratory; to meet with students during scheduled office hours; to prepare and grade assignments and examinations; to contribute to the design, syllabi, and organization of departmental course offerings; and to know applications and development of pedagogy in their field.

The dean, with the concurrence of the faculty of the school or college, is responsible for determining appropriate qualifications for professors of practice, which may vary by subfield or department. Appointments of professors of practice are for periods of no more than five years and are renewable. Professors of practice will be evaluated on a regular basis, according to the policies of the school or college. Evaluation prior to contract renewal will be done in accordance with standard faculty renewal processes, including review by a committee drawn from the relevant faculty, and must cover all aspects of the assigned duties.

Professors of practice are valued members of the University Faculty. They are expected to take an active role in the governance of their college or school faculty, though colleges, schools and departments may limit their scope of action. Professors of practice should participate fully in those decisions that are directly related to their roles within the college or school and within the department, where relevant. The dean or director, together with the faculty of the school or college, has the responsibility of identifying those issues that are related to their roles within the college or school, and the department chair has that responsibility within the department. Within the department, professors of practice may participate fully in hiring decisions of other professors of practice. Professors of practice may not vote on the hiring or on tenure and promotion of tenure-track faculty.

The Professor of Practice title will not be used to fill purely teaching faculty positions that do not require a long record of accomplishments in a non-academic profession. The title of Visiting Professor of Practice may be granted for a one-year term.

Persons appointed as a Professor of Practice will not be granted tenure but may be eligible for professional development leave, related to their contract duties. Leave request procedures for professors of practice are set by the school or college and must be available for review by the faculty.

Professional materials related to employment at the University should identify Professors of Practice by full academic title, as specified by the appointment letter. Full titles should be used on University websites, on University business cards, and in other fora for which their employment at the University in a faculty role is relevant (e.g., published letters, editorials, and articles and speeches).

Research Professor, Research Associate Professor, and Research Assistant Professor
The title of Research Professor, Research Associate Professor, or Research Assistant Professor is given to full-time, non-tenure track faculty, and it implies appropriate qualifications and appropriate educational degrees. The primary responsibility of research professors at all ranks is expected to be research, scholarly, or creative activities. Research professors of any rank may supervise graduate and undergraduate students in research, scholarly, or creative activities in conjunction with tenured or tenure-track faculty. Research professors of any rank are not expected to teach in the classroom or laboratory or to perform service to their departments, schools, colleges, or the University.

Appointments of research professors are for periods of no more than five years and are renewable. Research professors will be evaluated on a regular basis, according to the policies of the school or college. Evaluation prior to contract renewal will be done in accordance with standard faculty renewal processes, including review by a committee drawn from the relevant faculty. Appointments are contingent on continuation of the appointee’s research area and its level of funding.

Research professors of any rank may not vote or otherwise supervise the hiring, evaluation, and tenure and promotion of teaching or tenure-track faculty.

The Research Professor title of any rank will not be used to fill faculty positions that require a long record of accomplishment in a non-academic profession and are more appropriately designated as a Professor of Practice position.

Persons appointed to a Research Professor title of any rank will not be granted tenure. Research professors must maintain .625 FTE to be eligible for University benefits, according to standard University policy.

Professional materials related to employment at the University should identify research professors of any rank by full academic title, as specified by the appointment letter. Full titles should be used on University websites, on University business cards, and in other fora for which their employment at the University in a faculty role is relevant (e.g., published letters, editorials, and articles and speeches).

Faculty Fellow
These non-tenure track appointments are not intended to be renewed or to lead to a tenure decision. They are intended to bring scholars and researchers to Syracuse to actively engage in interchange about their work and the work of others in the department and contribute to the education of graduate and undergraduate students. Faculty Fellows can be primarily teaching or research appointments. These non-tenure track faculty members are eligible for University benefits, according to standard University policies.

Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellows perform independent research and scholarship beyond their Ph.D. training funded by external grants or fellowships awarded specifically to support the Postdoctoral Fellow, including those administered by the University. Postdoctoral Fellows are non-employee appointments. They are paid a stipend from external funds, such as outside fellowships and training grants. Postdoctoral Fellows are granted access to University benefit programs. The duration of a Postdoctoral Fellow’s appointment is commensurate with the grant or fellowship awarded to support the Postdoctoral Fellow.

Postdoctoral Scholar
Postdoctoral Scholars continue their professional training beyond their Ph.D. training, working under close supervision of a tenure-track/tenured faculty member, to advance research, scholarship, and creative activities while adding to their own experience and education. Postdoctoral Scholars also contribute to the education of undergraduates and graduate students and are introduced to aspects of managing a research program.

A Postdoctoral Scholar may be appointed to a renewable term appointment of up to three years, for a maximum total duration in the rank of Postdoctoral Scholar at Syracuse University of six years. These non-tenure track appointments are not intended to lead to a tenure decision. Postdoctoral Scholars may be eligible for consideration as a Research Assistant Professor. These faculty members are eligible for University benefits, according to standard University policies.

Visiting professor or scholar
Visiting professors or scholars are faculty members from other institutions who receive a temporary appointment at Syracuse University. Visiting faculty appointments do not typically carry fringe benefits or full employee rights. They may or may not be compensated. Individuals who wish to be considered for visiting status should contact the dean’s office in the appropriate school or college.

Non-tenure-track part-time faculty
Part-time faculty—bargaining unit

Adjuncts United (AU) is affiliated with New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) and represents Syracuse University’s part-time instructors. The University remains committed to addressing the needs of its unionized workforce to ensure outcomes that meet the interests of these valued employees and the institution.

Adjuncts and exempt staff members
Adjunct faculty appointments are offered to individuals who hold regular employment elsewhere and with whom the University has a special collegial relationship. They are eligible for occasional teaching assignments on an as-needed basis. When a teaching assignment is made, the hiring unit issues a part-time appointment letter stating the financial terms and other details of the appointment. Non-faculty “exempt” staff members may teach up to two courses in a semester, but their teaching responsibilities must be less than half their total responsibilities. The courses must be integral to or very closely related to their other professional responsibilities. Individuals who hold such positions retain only the benefits and prerogatives of exempt staff, although, as part-time instructional staff, their role and responsibilities, as well as their rank, are determined by the academic unit in which they teach.

ROTC instructional staff
Officers of the military services serving ROTC units on campus are under military jurisdiction for salary and retirement. They are, however, considered colleagues and are subject to all the academic rules and regulations of Syracuse University and of the colleges in which their students are registered.

Updated April 17, 2024