3.46 Relationships with United States Intelligence Agencies

Members of the Syracuse University community may enter into direct or indirect consulting arrangements with intelligence agencies to provide research and analytical services. In conformity with the above University rules governing outside consulting, individuals should report in writing the existence of such agreements to their dean or department chairperson, who in turn inform the Chancellor of the University of the existence of such arrangements. If these individuals are not accountable to a dean or director, the report should be made directly to the Chancellor.

All members of the Syracuse University community who have ongoing relationships with an intelligence agency as recruiters should report that fact in writing to the dean or director of their faculty or department, who in turn informs the Chancellor and the appropriate placement offices within the University. If these individuals are not accountable to a dean or director, these reports should be made directly to the Chancellor. Members of the Syracuse University community should not provide an intelligence agency with the names of other members of the University community without the prior consent of those persons.

Members of the Syracuse University community should not undertake intelligence operations for an intelligence agency which involve the use of the academic profession and scholarly enterprises as a “cover” for intelligence activities. They should not participate in propaganda activities if the activities involve writing materials or lending their names and positions to gain public acceptance for materials they know to be misleading or untrue.

No member of the Syracuse University community should assist an intelligence agency in obtaining the unwitting services of another member of the University community.

Faculty members should discuss questions concerning the interpretation and application of these guidelines with their dean or department chairperson and, if necessary, with the Chancellor or a member of the Chancellor’s staff.