2.29 Emeritus Status


The title Emeritus or Emerita is an honor that may be conferred upon faculty upon retirement from the University. Recommendations and supporting evidence of distinction and service to the University proceed through a process that commences with a faculty nomination, followed by a recommendation from the tenure and promotion committee of the candidate’s college or school; endorsement by the dean; endorsement of the Senate Committee on Appointments and Promotions, endorsement of the Vice Chancellor and Provost, and final approval by the Senate and the Board of Trustees.

This title may accompany any rank. Emeritus and Emerita faculty members are continuing members of the University community and have a distinguished record of outstanding contribution to the University over a substantial number of years. Privileges exercised by emeritus and emerita faculty include listings in University publications; using University libraries; participating in academic processions; receiving notices of all University events; receiving a University staff identification card and discount privileges at the University Bookstores; and participating in academic, professional, or social activities of the faculty and staff.

The title Emeritus or Emerita may be conferred posthumously, upon faculty recommendation, in those cases in which death precedes the possibility of retirement or within one academic year after retirement.

Academic Administrators

In special cases, the title Emeritus or Emerita may be conferred upon a person retiring from an academic administration position at Syracuse University, including the positions of Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Provost, and academic dean, at the end of academic administrative service or at the time of retirement from the University.

Emeritus or Emerita designation for academic administrators is not routine upon resignation or retirement. It is a distinction reserved for those who have made special contributions over a period of at least 5 years. In the case of academic deans, recommendations should include evidence of a distinguished record of contributions to the University while serving in the role of dean. Recommendation and supporting evidence of a dean’s record of distinguished contributions commence with a nomination from a member or members of the faculty of the respective school or college followed by a recommendation from the tenure and promotion committee of the candidate’s college or school. Recommendations then proceed to the Senate Committee on Appointments and Promotions for endorsement, endorsement of the Vice Chancellor and Provost, the Chancellor, and final approval by the Senate and the Board of Trustees.

Updated April 17, 2024