2.23 Timing of Promotions for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty

Candidates for promotion will normally not be considered until they have completed the following minimum time in rank at Syracuse University:

  • for promotion from instructor to assistant professor, one completed year;
  • for promotion from associate professor to professor, four completed years.

Except in those cases where a faculty member is already at the rank of associate professor or higher (due to initial hiring at that rank or promotion before the effective date of this section), the granting of tenure should coincide with promotion to associate professor regardless of time in rank. Other variations from these minimum time requirements will be considered under appropriate circumstances.

Each school and college will have a process memorialized (consistent with all other provisions of 2.2ff.) to provide expedited promotion to professor in response to time-sensitive requests for review, using similar standards of evidence of merit to regular submissions.

No one is entitled to advancement solely because of length of service. It should be emphasized that accomplishment, and not time in rank, is the essential criterion for promotion.

Updated April 17, 2024