3.45 Classified or Proprietary Research

One important outcome of sponsored research at a university is training masters and doctoral candidates, which includes the opportunity to perform research leading to or closely associated with their dissertation topics. Also, it is in the faculty members’ as well as students’ interests that complete freedom exist to publish or otherwise disseminate the results of their research. Since these goals cannot be achieved under the restrictions applying to government classified programs or restrictions which derive from proprietary rights of commercial or private sponsors, as a matter of practice, the University does not undertake projects which are subject to restrictions.

However, with certain government agencies, although the research performed and the reports which result may not involve restricted material, it may be necessary for faculty members working on projects to visit restricted areas, attend closed conferences, or view classified materials. In such circumstances, it is the responsibility of the director of the Office of Sponsored Programs to carry out the sponsor’s regulations applicable in each particular instance.