4.3 Maintenance of Public Order

Syracuse University regulations on campus disruptions apply to students, faculty, administrators, and staff for the maintenance of public order on its owned and controlled property and at its sponsored events.

Pursuant to the requirements of the New York Educational Law 6450 (Art. 129a, 1969), the following rules, regulations, and enforcement procedure are adopted for the maintenance of public order on Syracuse University-owned or Syracuse University-controlled premises.

1. Prohibited Conduct
Syracuse University is committed to the principle that freedom of discussion is essential to the search for truth and, consequently, welcomes and encourages the expression of dissent. Freedom of expression, however, ceases at that point at which its exercise infringes on the rights of either participants or nonparticipants. In order to preserve freedom of discussion and to protect the rights of all, the following conduct is prohibited:

  • Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or other University activities, including public service functions and other authorized activities on University-owned or University-controlled premises;
  • Detention or physical abuse of any person on University-owned or University-controlled premises or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any such person;
  • Destruction of or damage to University premises or the property of any person where such property is located on University-owned or University-controlled property;
  • Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other dangerous weapons or instruments on University-owned or University-controlled premises;
  • Entry on or use of University facilities or property without authorization or violation of regulations governing the use of University facilities or property;
  • Failure to comply with directives of University officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties;
  • Acts which recklessly or intentionally endanger mental or physical health or involve the forced consumption of alcohol or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization;
  • Aiding any other person to engage in any act or conduct herein proscribed.

Removal from premises
Any person while on University-owned or University-controlled premises who refuses the request or command of an authorized University official to desist in any prohibited conduct may be ejected from such premises where such conduct constitutes a substantial danger to public order on such premises.

Violations and sanctions
A student charged with violating the prohibitions listed above will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook, under the heading of “Student Rights and Responsibilities.”

A member of the staff charged with violating the prohibitions listed above will be subject to the disciplinary procedures and sanctions described under “Conduct and Disciplinary Action,” in On the Staff.

A faculty member charged with violating the prohibitions listed above will be subject to the procedures described under Section 4.11 of The Faculty Manual, Edition 18, January 1995, as subsequently amended. A sanction need not in every case be imposed. Where appropriate, sanctions for a person found to have violated those prohibitions may range from a verbal or a written reprimand to suspension of faculty privileges and responsibilities, either with or without salary or benefits for a period not to exceed the remainder of the semester and the semester following hearing board action to termination of contract or tenured position. In extraordinary circumstances, the Chancellor or designated representatives may suspend the accused person pending hearing of the charges.

Approved by the Senate, December 14, 1994. Updated April 17, 2024