Teaching Recognition Awards

Purpose and Goals

The Teaching Recognition Award (TRA) program was established in 2001 through an expansion of the Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professorship Program. The Meredith Professors proposed the TRA program to recognize excellence in teaching among untenured faculty. These awards aim:

  • To recognize and encourage teaching excellence among tenure-track faculty in their first five years,
  • To recognize and encourage teaching excellence throughout the teaching career among teaching professors, professors of practice, and  part-time faculty, and
  • To encourage a culture of collegial mentoring among members of the Syracuse faculty.

Award Categories

Each year, the TRA is given in two categories:

CategoryRecipientAward Amount
Award for Early Performance Faculty members (at least 4 awards, and no more than 7)

This award may be presented to faculty who have completed two years of teaching at Syracuse University (at the time of nomination).

Eligible nominees include:
– Tenure-track faculty who are not yet in their tenure review year
– Full-time teaching professors of any rank, professors of practice, and part-time faculty who are in their first five years of employment with the University

No fewer than two tenure-track faculty and no fewer than two teaching professors, professors of practice, or part-time instructors will be recognized in any given year.
$3,000 for professional development
Award for Continuing ExcellenceFaculty members (up to 2)

This award may be presented to faculty who have completed five or more years of teaching at Syracuse University (at the time of nomination). Eligible nominees include full-time teaching professors of any rank, professors of practice, and part-time faculty who have completed five years of teaching with the University.
$10,000 for professional development

Award funds may be used for expenses that awardees incur in furthering their professional development, such as the purchase of equipment, materials, or travel.

Nomination Process

TRA nominations may be made by any faculty member, with the concurrence of the nominee’s department chair or school director, where applicable, and dean. Individuals may not self-nominate.

The complete nomination includes the following items combined (in order) into a single PDF:

  • Coversheet: A fillable form found on the Office of Academic Affairs website
  • Formal nomination letter (no more than three pages) that:
    • Makes the case for the nominee’s outstanding teaching performance
    • Describes the nominee’s regular teaching responsibilities, as well as any mentorship activities within the department, school, or college
    • NOTE: The nomination letter should provide concrete examples or illustrations of teaching excellence, rather than general statements of praise.
  • A teaching statement (no more than three pages) which addresses:
    • The nominee’s approach to teaching
    • Any significant teaching innovations and initiatives
    • Specific techniques for assessing or evaluating student learning
    • How the nominee uses assessment or evaluation of student learning to inform teaching innovation
  • An updated curriculum vitae
  • Up to three examples (one page each) of teaching innovations used by the nominee in courses taught at Syracuse University
  • Letter of support from a peer who has observed the nominee’s teaching and can speak to the use of innovative teaching techniques and sound pedagogical practices
  • Letters of support from two former students detailing specific examples of teaching excellence from the nominee. The letters should appropriately reflect the balance of the nominee’s teaching in undergraduate and graduate curricula.
  • A professional bio (not to exceed 500 words) suitable for publication

The nomination packet should not exceed 18 pages, excluding the curriculum vitae.

It is preferred that an individual be nominated by one person or by multiple people signing one nomination letter. Nominators are encouraged to collaborate with colleagues on the submission.

Nominations are due Friday, January 31, 2025. Please email the nomination as one PDF  to Amanda Latreille, Faculty Affairs Specialist, at arlatrei@syr.edu (subject: TRA nomination).

Selection Process and Recognition

The TRA Review Committee, composed of Meredith Professors, past TRA recipients, and students, is responsible for recommending candidates for the award. The committee reviews nominations and submits a recommendation report in February. The Chancellor makes the final selection, and the award is presented at the One University Awards Ceremony in April.

Past Teaching Recognition Award recipients


Please contact Amanda Latreille at arlatrei@syr.edu or 315-443-5413.