Faculty excellence in research, scholarship, and creative work positions Syracuse University on the forefront of preparing engaged citizens, scholars, and leaders in a changing global society. As a preeminent research university, we provide the resources to support faculty as they explore their curiosity, expand our understanding of the world, and make life-changing discoveries.
General Research Support
Research Leave (application)
Computing support
Library resources
Citing Cancelled Conference Papers and Presentations
Humanities Center
Internal grant programs
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Research Offices
The Office of Research including the Office of Sponsored Programs helps faculty secure and manage financial support for research and scholarship.
The Office of Sponsored Programs facilitates submissions to federal and other government funding agencies. The Office of Sponsored Programs (in conjunction with the Office of Sponsored Accounting) also works with Principal Investigators to manage grants and contracts, regardless of source, once they are awarded.
The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations also helps faculty secure funding for their work. Their website includes a list of fellowships or other opportunities from private foundations, as well as a place to share your research interest on an intake form.
Other research-related offices include the Office of Technology Transfer and the Office of Research Integrity and Protections, which encompasses both the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
Syracuse Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement (The SOURCE)