Dual Career Network evaluation

We would very much appreciate your feedback about the dual career services you recently received. Please take a moment of your time to fill out the following information and return by using the “Submit” button at the end of the survey. Please feel free to be candid! Your responses will help us better serve the needs of future clients of the Dual Career Network at Syracuse University. Thank you.

1. My partner is (required):

2. I heard about the Dual Career Network by: (required, choose all that apply)

3. Was it easy to find information about the program?

4. Were you successful in securing a position?

If you were successful in securing a position, please answer the following questions. Otherwise, please skip to question 13.

11. How did you initially find out about your new position in the Syracuse area? (check all that apply)

12. Were you assisted in your search by an executive search firm/recruiter?

13. Please check the service(s) that was/were most helpful (choose up to three):

14. Please check the service(s) that was/were least helpful (choose up to three):

15. In addition to the Dual Career Network, what other resources have you used in your job search? (Check all that apply):

17. Did you receive information on relocation or work/life balance resources?

18. If you received information on relocation or work/life balance resources, was it helpful?

Thank you for your time!