Being a preeminent and inclusive student-focused research university is only possible because of the steadfast efforts of many. Syracuse University’s faculty recognition programs honor this commitment to excellence. Through these programs, we celebrate Syracuse University’s most important values and outstanding achievements in guiding students, conducting exceptional scholarship, and contributing to the progress of the University and its distinctive position in higher education.
Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence
Recipients of the Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence are chosen from nominations made by faculty and staff of the Syracuse University community. A selection committee of faculty and staff from across campus reviews nominations and makes recommendations to the Chancellor.
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professorship for Teaching Excellence
A substantial bequest from the estate of Dr. L. Douglas Meredith, a 1926 graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences, has enabled the University to create the Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professorships to recognize and reward outstanding faculty teaching at Syracuse University.
Meredith Professor Faculty Fellows
Meredith Professor Faculty Fellows partner with the director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and the Associate Provost for Academic Programs to work on timely pedagogical topics identified by the provost.
Teaching Recognition Awards Program Sponsored by the Meredith Professors
The Teaching Recognition Awards Program is an award program sponsored by the Meredith Professors to benefit non-tenured faculty members. Its specific goals are to recognize excellence in teaching and to encourage a culture of collegial mentoring among faculty members.
Seinfeld Scholar Award Program
Each year Syracuse University names Seinfeld Scholars to recognize recipients’ passion for excellence and exceptional creativity and originality in academic or artistic endeavor and to encourage their continued outstanding performance. In two of every three years, this award is made to a faculty member. In the third year, the award is made to two students.
University, Distinguished, and Trustee Professors
Syracuse University recognizes the extraordinary accomplishments of its faculty by awarding the titles of University Professor and Distinguished Professor. The Distinguished Professor title can be awarded to faculty who have achieved exceptionally distinguished stature in their respective academic specialties. University Professor is the highest honor that can be conferred on faculty members at Syracuse University and is awarded by the Chancellor and Board of Trustees.
Emeriti Faculty Nominations
The title “Emeritus” or “Emerita” is an honor that may be conferred upon retirement. The designation may accompany any faculty rank and identifies the designee as a continuing member of the Syracuse University community. In special cases, the title Emeritus(a) may be conferred on a person retiring from an administrative position at Syracuse. Such designees have a distinguished record of outstanding contributions over a substantial number of years. The designation may be added to the titles of University officers, academic leaders, deans, and comparable positions at the time of retirement from the administrative post or at the time of retirement from the University.